About TED

TED is on a mission to discover and disseminate ideas that ignite imagination, foster limitless possibilities, and catalyse profound impact. Our organization is dedicated to fostering curiosity, reason, wonder, and the pursuit of knowledge without any hidden agenda. We welcome individuals from every field and culture who are driven by a desire for a deeper comprehension of the world and a stronger connection with fellow beings. We invite everyone to engage with these ideas and put them into action within their communities.

About TEDx

TEDx is a grassroots initiative that embodies the essence of TED’s overarching mission to explore and promote “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx extends the TED spirit to local communities worldwide through TEDx events. These events are orchestrated by passionate individuals who aim to unearth fresh ideas and disseminate the latest research findings in their respective localities, thus sparking conversations within their communities.

About TEDx NTIC Abuja Youth

Inspired by the notion of spreading valuable ideas, TEDx NTIC Abuja Youth is committed to inspiring its student community by featuring a lineup of speakers and students who possess the ability to kindle the flames of greatness. The theme for this year’s inaugural edition is ‘IGNITE.’ “Ignite” conveys the idea of igniting inspiration, passion, and motivation for positive change. It encourages speakers to present ideas that can ignite the minds and hearts of the audience, compelling them to take action and effect meaningful change. Talks within this theme can span a broad spectrum of subjects, ranging from personal transformation stories to groundbreaking innovations with the potential to revolutionize various domains. “Ignite” promises to infuse an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement throughout the event.

The event will feature 10 speakers, each taking their turn to share their insights with the audience, accompanied by 2 performances interspersed in between. The event will run for half a day, commencing at 9:00 AM and concluding at 1:00 PM, with at least one breakout session in the middle.

Mark your calendars for the 25th of November 2023, as this promises to be an unforgettable experience you won’t want to miss.

This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED. | Copyright © 2023 TEDxNTIC

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