Alumni Association

Dear Alums,
I am pleased and honored to be the new Alumnae Board President. This is a unique time in the history of The NTIC School. As Alumni Board President and a member of the School’s Board of Trustees, representing the Alumni Association, I feel the responsibility and opportunity that comes with helping to enact change.
2020 has been a defining year for so many of us, particularly when we think about the national dialogue we have been having about racial inequity and justice.  And that is true within our own NTIC community.  While many of us had affirmative experiences, it is undeniable that some members of our community had challenging, harmful experiences.
If we are going to call ourselves a healthy, productive and vibrant community, we as an Alumni Association must marshal our intention and resources to ensure that more alums feel a sense of belonging and welcome. As such, the Alumni Board developed and ratified our own Antiracism Priorities.  The School moved quickly over the summer and is addressing anti-Black racism through a series of thoughtful decisions and actions.  It is my view that this work will strengthen us all as a community.
This is a profound time of listening, introspection, courage and action.  And one of sustained focus and action.  We are forging new ground with humility and persistence.  We will continue to listen, learn, remain vigilant, repair, restore, hold each other accountable, and contribute to building a better NTIC. I have always felt comfort in the fact that NTIC doesn’t shy away from a challenge.  Taking a hard look in the mirror and seeing where we must change has to be one of the hardest of challenges any of us can confront and that is exactly what we are doing.
As the head of the Alumni Association, I look forward to focusing on this transformational work and invite you to participate. Please contact to learn more or get involved in our anti-racism efforts or any alumni initiative and program. 
We will keep you apprised of the work and  progress we make in becoming an antiracist community.
Alumni Board President
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