The Right Environment For Learning


A warm welcome to the Boarding Houses of NTIC. This information is designed to give you an idea of what to expect while boarding at NTIC.

In our diverse and ever changing world, our Boarding strives to provide a secure and stable home for students from a multitude of cultures. Our Boarding community is a vibrant and happy one, in which the sense of belonging to a wider family is very important. Boarding students learn to live, work and play in a community environment, encouraging their growth as mature,responsible and respected citizens of the world. We promote and exemplify the general philosophy and aims of our School through its study, activity and leisure programmes. In doing so, our Boarding operates within the mission statement of the school.

Mission: We seek to be a school that create a dynamic, favorable, modern and  conducive environment for teaching and learning, to produce intelligent, enlightened and highly socialized individuals (youths), who are fit to pursue higher education and become effective, integrated and productive members of the society.

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NTIC boarding facilities replicate a home away from home environment. Furnished and equipped with sofas, air conditioners, and flat-screen TVs for students’ enjoyment. There is a functional football pitch, basketball and volleyball courts in both boys’ and girls’ hostel.

NTIC hostels are set up to satisfy the students’ needs. The hostel capacity is quite large and can accommodate 320 students at once. Each room in the hostel is allocated to a hostel master or mistress, as the case may be, who oversees the well-being of the students.

Our modern kitchen staff caters for boarding students’ meals.

We have eight standard common rooms in each hostel for the students’ relaxation and comfort.

The school has a full time functional sick bay operated by a qualified nurse both in the school and in the hostel. Minor health problems, injuries and first aid are handled in the sick bay while a student may be referred to the hospital if the nurse deems it necessary. In such a case, the student is taken to the hospital and the parents/guardians are duly informed. The school bears the medical expenses incurred in the sick bay; however the parents pay the medical expenses incurred by their wards in referred


At Nigerian Tulip International Colleges bullying is strictly frowned upon. As a school we try to create a peaceful coexisting environment for all due to our diversity and background. Our core values help to instill disciple, tolerance, and a sense of citizenship in every student. Hence our motto, NTIC – THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING.


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NTIC, because of its dynamism and quest for the best, operates the cabinet system where students take different subjects in different classes. The theme of each subject is reflected in the decoration and design of the class as well as the learning materials in the class. Being a top-class institution of learning, NTIC has interactive Tutortouch™ smartboards, which run both Android and Windows Operating System, in all classrooms including the laboratories.


Our state-of-the-art laboratories are world-class standard. The computer laboratories house gadgets, equipment, software and devises that kindle students’ interests in coding, robotics, software development, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and many more. Each of the two topnotch laboratories sits nothing less than 25 students at a time with each having access to a computer to practice with. Learning computer cannot be easier with our highly qualified teachers.



Biology is best taught using models, and those are what our Biology laboratory is filled with. Models such as skeletal framework, human and other animals’ anatomies, preserved specimens and other interactive charts that bring teaching down to the level of students’ understanding are strategically positioned in the Biology laboratory to ensure adequate grasp of concepts.



Physics has six major branches – optics, waves, mechanics, electricity, heat and modern physics. The physics laboratory is highly stocked with apparatuses and equipment that facilitate the teaching and learning of all these branches. The laboratory is organized to reflect these disciplines in Physics that students may eventually venture into. We are determined to see our students compete with other students of physics in the international community; that is why we leave no stone unturned to regularly update the apparatuses. 

The school provides a variety sumptuous meal at lunch for students who subscribe to it. Daily menu list is prepared to ensure that students have the choice of picking what they would want for lunch. This comes with drinks. For students who are not interested subscribing, the school has different tuck-shops and spots where cookies, drinks, pastries, kebab (chicken and beef suya), Masa (Waina) and lots more. Soft drinks of different brands are also sold at the tuck-shops.

The ambiance of the library is sure to make anyone want to return to it. The serial arrangement using the book cataloging system gives the library its unique orderliness making books easily accessible to users of the library. At NTIC, we match with the global standard for libraries, hence the introduction of the e-library section. The library houses the dailies, journals, etc. in its reference section keeping students and staff alike abreast of the current happenings in their local and international environment. The shelves for the `200 Essentials is another major reason why students love this library as they get to read different works of fiction that stimulate their interest. A visit to our library is all you need to make it your favorite spot.

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