The Right Environment For Learning

What we are

The Parent Teacher Association of NTIC is a platform where parents,
teachers and the school authority come together on a regular basis to exchange views, analyze issues and find solutions to problems.  

Support & Help

To support the school morally and financially to enable the students achieve high standards of academic performance, discipline and good morals.
To provide an effective link between the parents and the school.
To help teachers have a greater insight into the social background of the students so that students' problems can be understood and tackled with a high degree of consideration, compassion and love.

Encourage & Lead

To encourage parents/guardians to contribute to the running of the school by offering skilled or technical services/advice.

Bearing the above objectives in mind, the parents elect members of the executive council of the association at the general meeting.

Consult & Donate

The PTA general meeting where all the parents are called to attend is held twice every academic session while the executive members convene more frequently to discuss issues at hand.

PTA Levy which is decided at PTA General Meeting should be paid per child for each session by the parents.


WhatsApp Image 2022-05-17 at 12.49.18 PM
Ntic Kano PTA Committee
Mask Group 1
Ntic kaduna primary PTA committee with the chairman.
Alh. Yahaya Yusuf(Sarkin yaki da jahilcin Zazzau)
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