The Right Environment For Learning

Career placement


The Job placement/career fair project is designed to give students the opportunity to work alongside industry professional to gain firsthand experience in their chosen career path. This will enable them decide if the chosen course is in line with their ambitions and help the students fine tune their goals and objectives to match their career path.


“What do you want to do when you grow up?” is the age-old question many adults ask children as soon as they can talk and show interest in certain toys. This question tends to turn into “What are you going to major in?” when they get into the university. it’s might not be justifiable to expect children to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives, many adults don’t even know that! However, it is both reasonable and responsible to encourage and guide students in this space, providing the tools and steps to engage in self-reflection, research and exploration opportunities.

Children and youth progress through a career development process as they mature. It consists of four stages: Career Awareness, Career Exploration, Career Preparation, and Career Placement.

Children experience the career awareness stage as they learn about themselves and what they enjoy doing (interests), what they can do particularly well (abilities), and learn what’s important to them (values or beliefs). It’s during the career awareness stage that children also learn about the world of work: what jobs are available in the community, what jobs their parents and other significant adults in their lives are doing, and what tasks are inherent to these different types of jobs.
Improves students' knowledge of career options, encouraging them to develop and work toward goals during the critical years when they are also beginning to venture beyond the orbit of their parents.
During the career preparation stage, students refine their skills and abilities through participation in school and community activities; as well as, at home with chores as they assume more and more responsibility with age. Through engagement at school, chores at home and activities in the community, such as volunteer experiences, youth develop skills that will transfer to future work environments and prepare them for their careers.
It’s through placement into jobs that students learn what employers expect of them, how to be responsible and contributing members of society, as well as the value of doing work for remuneration (whether it’s money or the more subtle benefits received through apprenticing such as skill development and gaining experience).
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  • Link academic study and theory to real industrial practice.
  • Real world exposure to the latest technology, work behaviour.
  • Learn the ‘language’ of industry.
  • Build a network of future career contacts.
  • Adds invaluable work experience to your CV which is attractive to undergraduates seeking admission for higher learning.
  • Provides the opportunity to work with a more diverse group of people
  • Offering you an insight into the ‘World of Work’ and allows you to get a feel for what you do and don’t like doing

The introduction of the job placement project into our curriculum as a school will help the students gain practical skills and knowledge during these activities and can often be directly applied to their studies, if they’re applied correctly, it can improve their grades.

Furthermore, this opportunity will bring more positive awareness and light to NTIC as a school dedicated to building, grooming and equipping students for their future. It also places NTIC above every other competitor school as a 21st century school.

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