The Right Environment For Learning



The well-being and protection of students, staff and parents are the foremost consideration in all our decisions about confidentiality. In line with the school’s culture and philosophy, therefore, trust must be established in the system by demonstrating absolute professionalism in handling all available information, ensuring that they are used only in the child’s interest and the school.

From the aforementioned, this document attempts to define boundaries that identify what type of information can be shared and what types of individuals are authorized to do so.


The overriding purpose of this policy is security, safety and maintenance of professionalism in the school’s operational practice.


To maintain a general degree of professionalism, it is important that the school and individual’s personal details remain personal until otherwise decided by the Management.


The well-being and protection of our students remain paramount in all our decisions and considerations. Appropriate and legitimate sharing of information between staff is vital to students’ well-being and safety. So, boundaries of confidentiality must be maintained so that students feel safe and comfortable discussing personal issues and concerns with the staff and school management. 

Therefore, it is pertinent to uphold the culture of confidentiality as it encourages the free flow of information and improves trusting relationships amongst stakeholders in the system. 



Unauthorized disclosure of information is a serious violation of the school’s rules and regulations which may attract punitive legal action. An employee exposed to confidential or privileged information must ensure the information remains confidential both during and after employment. All staff, including board members, are expected to return materials containing such information at the time of separation from employment or expiration of service.



Sharing information specific to this institution with other organizations without management’s authorization is completely unacceptable and a breach of contract.

Therefore, this policy sets out conditions and procedures for treating information that would reasonably be considered personal or confidential. These include, but not limited to:

  1. personal information concerning students
  2. personal information concerning all employees of the school
  3. confidential information obtained from parents or third parties
  4. confidential information about matters under consideration by the school administration
  5. confidential information concerning the operations or contractual negotiations of the school
  6. details of business operations and undisclosed financial matters.
  7. unpublished goals and forecasts of the school.

Students’ assessment results, grades, and demographic information should also be handled with confidentiality until otherwise instructed by the Management. 

Subject to regulations, personal or confidential information shall be released only on request by authorities.



This policy affects all employees, teaching and non-teaching staff who may have access to confidential information.

Information covered by this policy shall include written or unwritten, either printed or stored electronically. 



We believe that it is essential to work in partnership with parents. To this end, the College will endeavor to keep parents abreast of their children’s progress, including concerns about their academic progress or behavior.

However, there are occasions when such information will not be discussed with parents as the school will always strive to help students resolve some of their personal issues.

If a student discusses a challenging personal matter with the school, they will also be encouraged to discuss it with their parents.


Employees and stakeholders at every level in the school are prohibited from:

  1. Discussing student confidentiality issues with colleagues who have no legitimate concern or interest. If in any doubt, the Management of the school should be contacted.
  2. Discussing issues of student confidentiality with other students who have no legitimate concern or interest
  3. Discussing issues of student confidentiality in inappropriate social settings and circumstances
  4. Using confidential information for any personal benefit or profit
  5. Disclosing confidential information with any unauthorized person within or outside the institution without the management’s permission.



  1. Confidential information may occasionally have to be disclosed for legitimate reasons. Examples are: If a regulatory body requests it as part of an investigation or audit. In such a situation, the employee concerned should seek all needed authorizations.
  2. Disclosures to a counsellor, school nurse or health professional operating a confidential service in the school with the view to helping an individual in need.


Confidential or sensitive information relating to an individual in the system may be divulged only where there is a risk of danger to the individual or the public.
Where an employee feels confidentiality should be breached, he should raise the matter immediately with his management, who will discuss the options available and make decisions.


Willful breach of these confidentiality guidelines will amount to gross professional misconduct, attracting disciplinary action under the school’s disciplinary procedures.

The policy is binding on individuals even after ceasing to be employees of this institution. 



The school will ensure adequate protection of confidential information: paper documents will be well-stored, electronic information encrypted and databases safeguarded.



 Through induction and further training, all existing and new employees and workers will be made aware of this confidentiality policy.


Confidentiality is an important principle that enables people to feel safe in sharing their concerns and asking for help. However, the right to confidentiality is not absolute. Sharing relevant information with the right people at the right time is vital to good safeguarding practice.

Justifiable and lawful exchange of information for the protection and safety of children is allowed as the safety of the students takes precedence over the need to maintain appropriate confidentiality.


The following records shall be kept by the school: –
  • Curriculum Policy Documents
  • Non-Curricular Policy Documents
  • Pupil Admission Documents and Personal Information
  • Pupil Education Records
  • Personnel Records
  • Financial Record

The company started its activities in a rented building with only fourteen students in Abuja in 1998. Following its nonprofit making policies with a view to grooming better human and modest life standards of its administrators, in only 19 years of its existence, the company has grown into a formidable enterprise with the following branches: Nigerian Tulip International Colleges, Galaxy University Preparatory Center, Nizamiye Hospital, Vefa Tourism and NTIC Foundation.
First Surat Group brought her investments from Turkey, which financed the schools popularly known as Nigerian Tulip international colleges, which currently has a total number of 16 educational institutions located in Abuja, Kano, Lagos, Kaduna, Yobe and Ogun states with staff strength of over 1000 academic and non-academic personnel. Today, NTIC has 4025 students, of which 17 percent of them are on scholarship. NTIC is a science-oriented school that focuses on building knowledge and core moral values, which our modern society is in dire need of.


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